Friday, August 28, 2009

Create Your Own Map Due Monday 8/31

Map must include:

1. Title

2. Date

3. Author



6.Legend or Key Listing at least 5 symbols used on the Map

7.Index listing 5 numbered Physical Features and 5 Numbered Human Features

8.5 Physical Features (Numbered)

9. 5 Human Features (Numbered)

10. Scale

Monday, August 24, 2009

Extra Credit First Week of School

1. 5 Points-Bring Supplies!

2. 5 Points-Sign up as a follower of this webpage!

3. 5 Points-Have Parents fill out Expectations sheet!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sign up as a Follower!

Sign up as a follower of THIS website and you'll receive FIVE extra credit points. If you don't have a google account you will need to create one by clicking on sign up to your right.

If you do have a google account, go ahead and click on sign up to follow on the right!

By following not only will you get extra credit, but homework reminders, assignments and other helpful pieces of information to help you succeed this year!


For homework updates straight to your phone, or to your email, follow these steps.

1. Head over to today and set up an account.

2. Search for the account name leagansgeo.

3. Click follow me.

All students who follow the leagansgeo Twitter will receive FIVE points extra credit! Get yours in as soon as possible and start the year off strong!

Welcome to Mr. Leagans Geography class!

This website will be updated frequently with news, assignments, classroom procedures and extra credit opportunities! Go ahead and save this as a bookmark and come here whenever you're surfing the web!